Historic Ryde Society

‘Giving Ryde’s Past to the Future’

Historic Ryde Society Quiz Night Thursday 25 July 2024 at Yelf's Hotel, at 7p.m. for 7.30pm.   * The Museum might be open Sunday or Monday, please call or check Faceboook page *

Museum of Ryde Map

Find your way around the  Museum of Ryde

Museum of Ryde was officially opened by Andrew Turner MP, and Lady Lucinda Lambton on July 1st, 2011. This day marked the 175th anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone of the Royal Victoria Arcade, by Lord Lambton. The exhibition opened on August 15th.


Map of the interior of Museum of Ryde

Map Route

  1. Donald McGill Postcard Museum – See (buy & send) the world famous Saucy Seaside Postcards by Donald McGill
  2. Big Screen – there are over 9,500 searchable photographs and pictures of the people & places of Ryde
  3. Pier, Photographers & Silverware – see part of the UK’s oldest Pier, Royal Photographers and Ryde Silver.
  4. School Room – Features information about schools in Ryde, the Puckpool Bucket Swing, Old films of Ryde, and David’s Dug up for Handling table which has many artifacts for you to handle.
  5. Miscellaneous – this area contains a prototype Rotunda image, a local delivery bike and auction posters
  6. Commercial Ryde – Shops, Breweries, Dairies, bottles and other memorabilia.
  7. Civic Ryde – Mayors, Councillors, and Prince Philip’s “Dressing Grown”.
  8. Sport, Transport, Hospitals and Post Office – sportsmen, buses, trains, medical history & Posties.
  9. Flightpath – the story of Ryde Airport and the development of the Hovercraft on the Island.
  10. Seaview & Miscellaneous – Photographs of early Seaview and all sorts of things that you can’t see elsewhere.
  11. Military – Ryde people in the Island’s own company, the IW Rifles (Princess Beatrice’s Own)
  12. Military & Mustang – Island-related military items, and remains of a Mustang from the Solent.
  13. Carnival, Minghella & Music – The UK’s oldest carnival, the movie maker, and the music scene in Ryde.
  14. Ice Well – Our Unique indoors Ice Well – how they kept cool in the 1800s.
  15. Tony Packer Room – Dedicated to one of the founding members of the Historic Ryde Society,  not fully open, due to water ingress, but open for browsing historic archive’s.
  16. Household & Emergency Services – Historic items  from the home, and Police & Fire Brigade in Ryde.